Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Your Mission: Find a Lunar Landing Site

The Artemis mission planners need your help. When we go back to the moon in the next few years, where should we land?

Your job is to review five different places and decide where we should build an outpost.

These places are:

1. Highlands
2. South Pole
3. Aristarchus
4. Tranquility
5. Far Eastern

You rate each place based on these factors:

1. Water and Resources
Can be used for water and fuel. May occur as ice on the Moon, delivered by comets and maintained in Permanently Shadowed Regions (PSRs) near the poles.

Batteries are heavy payload to send to the Moon. Solar power will be a primary source. Fuel could come from the break down of water ice into oxygen and hydrogen.

Aluminum, titanium, iron, loose lunar regolith to make “lunar bricks” all offer building resources.

2. Terrain Smoothness (Topography)
Flat terrain is best, not near steep cliffs, mountainous regions or areas with lots of boulders.

3. Temperature and 4. Radiation
Natural habitats or resources, such as lava tubes (ancient caves created where lava once flowed) or soil to cover a base or make lunar bricks, offer protection from radiation and extreme temperatures. If not available, a base will need to be built.

5. Science
What are the interesting science questions to be addressed?

6. Special Considerations
Needs a clear line of sight to Earth, or a more costly satellite system will be needed.


Use a grid and fill in the squares with "Go", "No Go", or "Need Info"