AMADEE-20 is a Mars analog simulation in the Negev Desert, Israel, managed by the Austrian Space Forum hosted by the Israeli Space Agency.
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Before you do most important things, you practice. It works this way in sports, music, and missions to Mars. For missions to Mars, the practice time is called a simulation.
For twenty days (Oct 11 to 31, 2021) six researchers in the Negev Desert will simulate living on Mars in complete isolation from other humans.
The goal is to discover how to live and work safely on Mars. And to do that, the researchers hope to make lots of mistakes.
Each mistake they make in the generally safe simulation means one less surprise in the harsh reality of Mars.
Dr. Gernot Grömer, Administrative Director of the Austrian Space Forum said the simulated mission "is designed to test concepts, working procedures and equipment to find the weak spots so the actual mission can be realized as safely as possible."
The six researchers, along with 200 others from 25 countries, plan to work on 20 different experiments to "prepare for future crewed missions on the Red Planet."
From left: Anika Mehlis, Carmen Köhler (c) OeWF (Florian Voggeneder) |